Shea Pumarejo Shea Pumarejo

Managing Expectations: Setting Realistic Timelines and Understanding Potential Delays in Kitchen Remodels

Today, let's dive into a topic that's crucial for any kitchen renovation adventure: managing expectations. We all want that dream kitchen to become a reality ASAP, but it's essential to set realistic timelines and understand that delays can happen along the way. So, grab a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice), and let's chat about how to keep your remodel journey smooth sailing!

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An Award Winning Bathroom

When designing a bathroom, where do you begin?

I always begin with an in-depth interview with the client as to how they need the space to function. It doesn't do much good to have a pretty space if it doesn't suit your needs. After that, I begin space planning. Once the spaces are defined, I begin looking for inspiration for the materials and finishes. Inspiration can come from anywhere such as a beautiful tile for a focal wall, or even a beautiful cabinet knob that becomes the jewelry of the space. It's like when you find the perfect pair of earrings and put together an outfit around them.

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5 Essentials for Designing With Wellness in Mind

Our primary bathrooms have become our sanctuaries. Where this was once just a place that provided a means to get clean, our clients are now reinventing these spaces to focus on wellness and self-care. It's a place to relax and meditate without the noise and distraction of the outside world. It's a place to pamper yourself and create daily rituals that nourish and feed the soul.

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Kitchen and Bath Design Shea Pumarejo Kitchen and Bath Design Shea Pumarejo

The New Direction of Interior Design

As more and more of us find ourselves working from home or distance learning, we are finding that our functional needs within our homes have changed. We had become a nation of wide-open concept homes so that we can be more communal, but that all changed when suddenly we found ourselves with the need to distance ourselves from one another or close a door to have a private zoom call. The way we live within our spaces has changed drastically within only a few short years, and we are finding the need for rooms to serve more than one purpose. The Pandemic and Social Distancing have given birth to the Multi-functional space.

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Kitchen Remodel Shea Pumarejo Kitchen Remodel Shea Pumarejo

My Designhounds Top 10 Finds from KBIS 2022

KBIS, the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show took place in Orlando this year. Combined with IBIS, the International Builder Industry Show there were more than 70,000 people in attendance. Having gone virtual last year due to the pandemic, some were concerned there would be a small turn out when the show returned to in-person attendance, but that was far from the case.

As a Kitchen and Bath designer, I have been attending KBIS for about 12 years now and each time I am amazed at the knowledge and connections I come away with. This year was certainly no different as I took my entire team with me so that we could spread out and get as much value as possible in the short time we were there. KBIS offers far more than one could possibly see in the 4-day show, so divide and conquer!

This year I was lucky enough to have been chosen as one of Modenus Medias Designhounds KBIS, which is a group of Interior design influencers from across the country who scour the show looking for the most innovative new technologies and beautiful new products to spotlight. Each Designhounds member receives 10 awards to bestow on their favorite products from the show. I have to say there were so many amazing products and the show is so large with so much to see, it was difficult to narrow it down to only 10, but I did manage to complete the task.

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